Veronika Goldiňáková

​Veronika Goldiňáková studied English and Russian at FiF UK in Bratislava.

Since his studies, he has been engaged in translation - professional and artistic from English, Russian, Ukrainian, and gradually from Croatian. In her spare time she learns new languages, currently it is Macedonian for a year. She is a member of the civic association of translators and editors of DoSlov. Among the published book translations, we can mention, for example, Slovník vojny (Ostap Slyvynsky, N Press, 2023), Naši iní (Olesia Jaremčuk, Absynt, 2022), the story of Nine Women (Gwen Strauss, Tatran, 2022) or a collection of short stories translated by Samyzdat students: Nostalgia (Literárna Bašta, 2021).